What are the main differences between term life insurance and whole life insurance?

The choice between whole life insurance and term life insurance depends on your individual needs, financial goals, and budget
Whole life insurance and term life insurance are two primary types of life insurance, and they differ in several key aspects.
If your looking for life time coverage, cash value growth, and estate planning benefits start with whole life insurance
If your looking for affordable temporary coverage during specific times in your life choose term life insurance
Term life insurance vs whole life insurance
What are the differences between term life insurance and whole life insurance
Whole life insurance and term life insurance are the two main types of life insurance. They they differ in several key aspects. Here are the main differences between whole life insurance and term life insurance:
The purpose of term life insurance vs whole life insurance
Term life insurance is primarily used for temporary coverage needs, such as income replacement during working years, paying off debts, or providing money for education
Whole life insurance is primarily used for lifelong coverage, tax planning, estate planning, for final expenses, or as an investment and savings tool
How long does term life insurance vs, whole life insurance last
How much does term life insurance vs whole life insurance cost
Death benefit payouts for term life insurance vs whole life insurance
Cash value of term life insurance vs whole life insurance
Investment components of term life insurance vs whole life life insurance
Renewable and convertible features of term life insurance vs whole life insurance
Does term life insurance vs whole life insurance have any surrender value?
How to choose between term life insurance and whole life insurance?
How much life insurance coverage do you need?
How long do you need the insurance for? Decide the number of years you need coverage to last? Do you need life insurance for a short time or long time?
How much can you afford? Your budget decides the amount of your monthly premiums
Do you want a savings and investment component? Do you need or want a savings component in an accumulating cash value?
Why do you want Life Insurance?
Do you want or need additional features? Such as policy customization to include disability and critical illness riders?
If you cancel do you want additional cash surrender value or return of premium?